What Does “Inalienable” Mean?
Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence, he chose the word
"inalienable" to describe something that cannot be taken away.
According to Webster's Dictionary, the word "inalienable" means
"absolute, sacred, and incapable of being surrendered."
who has studied the war on drugs over the last century knows that
Why is it that after 93 years of persecution,
one trillion dollars of our tax money and twenty million prison sentences,
illegal drugs are cheaper, more potent and more available than ever before?
Because it is a war against what people
want. Prohibitionists fail to understand that enormous profits – not
morality, regulates the illicit drug market.
When the drug war
becomes too expensive to prosecute, and enough of us wake up to the truth –
then we will reconsider the 19th Century policy of education, taxation and
For more information
or to help law enforcement reform drug laws visit www.leap.cc (law enforcement against prohibition.)
James Wiley
Updated May 2011